rejection — Blog — The Modern Actor
15 Bad Habits Actors Should Avoid Immediately
#Actor'sLife, SpiritEddie RamosHabits, Career, Success, Success Story, Comparison, Bad habits, 15 Habits, Actor, Growth, Failure, Actorslife, Actors Life, Actress, Win, Little Wins, Motivation, Master of None, Master, Action, Perfectionism, Struggle is real, Struggle, Meaning, Purpose, Dreams, abundance, Positive Thinking, thinking small, procrastination, nasty habit, Work, Work Ethic, Learning, 10 Powerful Habits, Acting Advice, Business of Acting, Process, Insanity, vicitim mentality, empty scrolling, doom scrolling, Social media, fear, Confidence, rejection, fear of rejection, Money, TikTok, name dropping, being rude, reputation, health, Mental health, Meditation, overthinking, New York, Los Angeles, Philosophy, Acting